It’s been quite some time since I have written a post. This past year has been a whirlwind of craziness. We sold our house in the Fall, put offers on land and new houses, those fell through, moved in with our parents, and finally had our offer accepted on a new house, which we are moving into soon! Saying we are tired of the up and down would be an understatement. We just want to be settled as soon as possible and get back to a normal routine for our family.

Living with my parents and my in-laws the past 4 months has been quite the adjustment. It became very hard to find any time for just myself, and I had to figure out ways to relax and unwind from the rules and routine of unfamiliar households. Plus the emotions of what we had gone through this past year, losing baby Hugh, pandemic stress, land/house offer rejections, and family drama started to add up. I was at my snapping point and became determined to find some ounce of peace. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely grateful and thankful that we could stay with our parents during this time of transition, however, I really cannot wait to have our own space back.

Last month, we celebrated baby Hugh’s one year anniversary in Heaven. Not being able to be alone during that time to process my emotions was extremely difficult. I had to rely on prayer, quiet times in the shower, and late nights so I could just ‘be’.

The moments I would find myself losing my patience, I would turn to prayer to bring me peace. I would recite the Hail Mary over and over in my head until I felt calm. The moments I felt overwhelmed, I would take a walk so I could take in some fresh air and pray part of a Divine Mercy. And when I felt rundown, I would force myself to give up my motherly control, hand it to someone else, and go rest and talk to Jesus and Mother Mary. Allowing myself to rely on prayer through these times not only brought me peace, but also brought me strength.

I believe that God gave us this hectic season in life so we could learn how to add in peace, love and patience. Being unhoused for so long also has shown us how very blessed we are to now own our own home at the end of the month, where others may not be able to.

Finding peace amidst moving isn’t easy, especially when you have a long transition time between the move, but life isn’t meant to be easy. Through these hard moments and seasons in life comes understanding and learning lessons that will hopefully last a lifetime.

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